ordinal and label encoding

 there are normally two types of data 

1. ordinal data: those data which have any levels of dependencies i.e: for a degree column:

                             bachelor degree is higher than high school; degree and master is greater than bachelor

                     in such case we can level master as 3, Bachelor as 2  and high school as 1 and school as 0 

                            it has rank

2. Nominal data: those data which doesn't have any level of dependencies 

                           eg: car fuel type I.,e automatic and manual

                                    gender:  either male or female 

                         they don't have any dependencies one is higher and another is lower

note: we use ordinal and label encoding for ordinal data 

            we use one hot encoding for Nominal data

ordinal encoding:

               it is such type of encoding which is done if X column have ordinal categorical data ;

         how it works:

                   generally assigning some numerical value according to their rank;see in eg

label encoding:

             it is such type of encoding which is done if Y i.e target have categorical data

for ordinal and label encoding goto: untitled 8


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