working with csv files

 1. CSV files

        i. reading csv files from local storage


       ii. making your own column instead of pandas default column


      iii. reading file from some link

           import requests

           from io import StringIO

 url = "link name"

headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0"}

req = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

data = StringIO(req.text)


   iv.if there is no column name or column name become as a temple becoming first row value


v.if you want to select only some of the columns during reading of data


vi. want to load only few rows


vi. if you see any abnormal emojis datasets then use encoder -encoding encodes to particular language


vii. if there is parser error: sometimes more no. of values in columns than expected:skip bad lines

  pd.read_csv('BX-Books.csv', sep=';', encoding="latin-1",error_bad_lines=False)

viii.if you want to change datatype of column during reading csv files


ix.if there is date in your dataset then while reading date will be string : so date should be date instead

   you use following method to make date=date:

    pd.read_csv('IPL Matches 2008-2020.csv',parse_dates=['date_col_name'])

x. some values will be there in your dataset like NaN-,NaN% etc. which problems you the most so in order to convert them into null values i.e actual NaN use the following method:


  here, Male is converted to NaN value



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